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Bulk Sales Affidavit


State of [State of affidavit],
County of [County of affidavit]

By affixing my signature below, I, [Name of affiant], of [Address of affiant], being duly sworn, declare that:

ONE I am the President and sole shareholder of the business known as [Name of corporation] hereinafter "Corporation", and I am the person who executed the annexed bill of sale on behalf of the Corporation.

TWO The Corporation is the sole owner of the property described in the foregoing bill of sale, and it has the full right to sell and transfer this property.

THREE All of the property described in the foregoing bill of sale is free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances.

FOUR There are no judgments existing against the said Corporation in any court of law; nor are there any replevins, liens, attachments or executions issued against the Corporation; nor has any petition in bankruptcy nor any arrangement proceeding has been filed by or against the Corporation; nor has the Corporation taken advantage of any law relating to insolvency.

This affidavit is made to induce [Name of buyer], hereinafter "Buyer", to accept the transfer of the property described in the foregoing bill of sale and to pay consideration therefor. It also is made to assure compliance with the bulk transfer provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code as it is in force in the State of and to assure that there are no creditors of the Corporation who are entitled to the statutory notice of sale.

Notary Public:

My commission expires on: